Breaking news has been revealed that has serious questions and anger following that deadly school shooting in Georgia, tonight a new image of the fourteen year old suspect the FBI is now confirming that they received information more than a year ago about a potential threat to a school, tonight terror and new video of Appalachia high school students walking out holding their hands in the air and a horrifying image of a man long gone missing has been found.
What people heard in the hallway after the Lorain shooting what are the students and teachers learning about the people who were killed, a teacher, a math teacher and a football coach confronting the shooter, a busy street, a Bouvier in Georgia again tonight authorities arrested the father of the accused school shooter, fourteen year old Coke Great has arrested Call and Gray with GBR, he has been charged with the following charges. Four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children arising from Mr. Gray knowingly allowing his son Coke to have access to a weapon.
Outrage and anger tonight after it was revealed that the suspected shooter was investigated a little over a year ago because he made a dangerous threat using more force than was alleged. That meant questioning him and his family, not making it a crime as seems like the easiest thing we could do. The news we got from the media is to make it a crime to threaten your fellow students. The FBI confirmed they received information about the Georgia suspect in May of last year. The anonymous tips came from a disturbing post involving Gray on the social media site Discord.
The FBI said he possibly threatened to shoot up a middle school the next day, while Gray was at another school in a neighboring county. The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office interviewed Gray and his father. Gray denied making the post, saying he would never see such a thing even in jest. Grace Farr is telling investigators there were guns in the house because she did not have unsupervised access to them. He also said a teen was being harassed and mocked at the school.
The deputies from the sheriff’s office urged Jefferson City Schools officers to monitor Grate, but made no arrests. Officers, who later transferred schools due to a lack of probable cause, say he walked into Apalachee High School on Wednesday with a 15-style rifle and opened fire, killing people. A video shows a man who had long been missing on the ground in a hallway. Some students ran out of the school with their hands in the air and told the world that there was a second wave, which we heard there was more to come.
It was actually the suspect surrendered to authorities just seven minutes after the school and the newly installed panic alarm system were triggered. Informed students and staff to take cover and alerted authorities the victims were students who were just fourteen years old Mason Shermer Horn and Christian Angelo seen here and a photo of their family was also posted on a go fund me page and teachers Christina Error Me and Richard Aspinwall a math teacher and defensive coordinator on the football team affectionately known as coach a student says the math teacher and coach confronted the shooter moments later seventeen year old Brand Maldonado heard more gunfire and looked over at his teacher.
Read More : 2 students, 2 teachers killed in Georgia high school shooting