Matt going to takes over the hill we’re going to drop down in to trenton there’s a road on the north side of the house this isn’t your standard biker group out for a joyride and if we get somebody to respond ask him if she’s their the probably will say no-a truck oil and today riding past the big snow capped mountains of you tom the men and women of road warriors for the missing chasing down leavelooking for seventeen year old a lynch of fisher who hasn’t been seen for over a year and a half.
She’s one of the eight children from a breakaway offshoot of mormonism who disappeared from remote towns dotting the rocky mountains.their mothers were all members of the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter day saints the flds bond for forsman sees them as runaways but the moms are convinced it all ties back to the flds.because these children believe that that that mothers are evil they are going to do everything that the flds tells them to do known for their buffon hairdos prairie dresses large families with multiple sister wivesbut most of all for polygamy the sect infamously led by now imprisoned convicted pedophile warren jeffs-frustrated by the lack of progress these mothers of the missing are now working with these bikers define their children everyone believes the outside world is pure evil and tuesday they fear ran back to the church they fought so hard to escape salons our seats has left detroit been no words can fully capture.
It’s an unlikely parents these tough looking bikers and these women who were told all their lives to keep sweet people have seen her in a certain area.
-we have pets surveillance their thanks to the road warriors elizabeth roundy is a lynch fisher’s mother she disappeared at sixteen from her mom’s idaho home on new year’s day twenty twenty three is just been thirst that i would never have xbet that to work with the motorcycle crew that they’ve been very decent very respectful not a day goes by that elizabeth doesn’t ache for her missing daughter it’s been a very frustrating situation to me with the law enforcement-they say their luck and the jefferson county sheriff’s office told a b c news that we are still actively working linters case unfortunately we have not had any new leads the police to great job they’ve got a whole city to watch well they’re watching after a city were looking for a specific child.
Tanya tool runs a nonprofit holding out hope that helps flds members leave the sacked the road warriors have been working this case for many months.
She found these bikers on the internet and put them in touch with the mothers and they’re just good old boys that ride motorcycles and really care about children and have done great work in their pass the flds cases are different because are people who are doing something because they believe in it they believe that what they’re doing is right and what we’re doing is wrong.
These cases of the flds community is very reserved they keep to themselves in a very private in trying to locate a specific individual is challenging because they don’t want to provide information unless they have to allen robbins is a constable and police officer at a local university but in his free time he’s a private investigator helping the roofroad warriors this isn’t the first time he’s dealt with the flds he tracked down members associated with warren jeffs in what was then the epicenter of the flds in hildale utah my main interaction prior was down in hillsdale my main efforts down there were to locate certain individuals and get them served people moved houses.
They’re so they weren’t of the house they were a few months ago and so it was it was challenging to find the correct address and find that people to get them that nullification the network we’re up against his be it’s expensive to get a lot a lot of places to go the get a lot of places where they can put these kids like difficult funtravel in person-or find of-the volunteers door knocking at least a dozen homes in areas where a lynch is believed .