Harris criticizes Trump for blocking bipartisan border bill

Harris criticizes Trump for blocking bipartisan border bill

Vice President Camila Harris is traveling to the southern border in Arizona right now tonight in the presidential race in the US. She says if she’s elected she’ll add fifteen hundred officers to the border She has said she’ll sign the bipartisan border bill backed by Republicans and Democrats that she says Trump sabotaged so she can run for our president on this issue. Mary Bruce calling from Arizona tonight. Vice President Camila Harris landed on the southern border late tonight to tackle one of her biggest vulnerabilities.

Immigration Harris is traveling to the border in the key battleground state of Arizona in this campaign. She’s closing the gap on Donald Trump. The lead on the economy is now her goal to fight him over who will be most effective on border security tonight in the campaign with a new ad she’s putting cartel members and drug smugglers behind bars and she’ll secure our border tonight. Harris promises if she’s elected she’ll add fifteen hundred more border agents and officers crack down on fentanyl trafficking human trafficking. Increase resources at the border. Much of it was included in the historic bipartisan border security bill. Which Harris supports but Donald Trump urged members of Congress to tank just as the campaign was heating up. He picked up the phone and called some friends in Congress and said stop the bill because you see he prefers to run at the problem rather than fix the problem.

While border apprehensions hit record highs under the Biden administration leading to over eight million on the ground in Nogales Arizona Border Patrol is telling us they have seen a marked difference since the president put the new limits in place. Riding on patrol with them on asylum claims we see first hand since President Biden put those new asylum restrictions in place in June he has seen a massive decrease in encounters at the border. Sixty percent in this area alone, but Trump is well aware that polls show immigration is a winning issue for him. He has tried to pin the situation at the border entirely on Harris promising and taking aggressive action. We will stop the invasion and launch the largest deportation operation in American history.


By Baghel

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