Harris 'still not engaging nationally' despite local news interview

Harris 'still not engaging nationally' despite local news interview

It seems like it but as you both want to be here Alex, let’s start with you first. I want to talk about Trump, doubling down on this immigration, really dark rhetoric about immigrants and immigration in this country. What are you hearing from your sources who are his allies, do they think this is the right way to go about this. They’ve said explicitly or implicitly that they would prefer to try to stay quiet and stick to the issues. I would say there are some allies of Trump who really see that this is a classic Trump strategy. That throws the Trump charm offensive into the water for a couple of years particularly promoting racism. And then and eventually you change the conversation and yes they point back to the last four days. We’re talking more about these comments about Springfield Ohio. Here’s about the comma, there should be a performance here and you often see him do these things. When he feels like his back is against the wall, he will sometimes throw out the unverified.

All the things that change the spirit and the conversation, let’s call it the lies that he’s telling large groups of people. Spreading online, it’s not just that, as we were saying that it’s verified that it’s not true, he keeps talking about it constantly. That Harris had an earpiece in the debate. It’s a very tight race, what helps him get more voters is this kind of rhetoric. Yeah, so obviously Donald Trump is talking to his base, which he’s already strengthened. The five to six percent of people that are really going to determine the race, the last thing they want to hear is him talking about conspiracy issues. Which he did and twenty sixteen or twenty one, when he said the election was for this, it’s only going to turn voters away sometime later.

Republicans who are looking for any reason not to vote for him, this is something that will turn them away. What I like to say when I talk to members of Congress is that Republican members of Congress, this is the last thing they want, because they are absolutely like they don’t want to get sued over this. It helps that reporters like me, who are on the Hill or when they go back home, they don’t want to talk about anything. It would rather like it’s a conspiracy and get Karma Hairless over the real issues. No doubt about it. None of those lawmakers in the halls of Congress want you. Other colleagues who are on the Hill want to talk about other things, ah Alex to Cuddy in terms of going after voters that can really have a potential impact in this race. We see Harris and her campaign try to go more broadly now. And these are more conservatives.

You’re looking at rural Pennsylvania where Trump is one in twenty, that’s like Trump country. There are a lot of those places in Pennsylvania. Where Democrats usually do really well is in the big cities, but this is in terms of strategy, is that she wants to keep the margins low in those areas. And then wants to run up the chances of increasing the score in the big cities in the places where she runs strong. The ministry shows very clearly that she has different strengths and weaknesses than Joe Biden Joe Biden struggled with his base comma. There’s a struggle with the middle here and that’s also one thing that you’re seeing them go to these places is this is a classic bomber era strategy. It’s no coincidence that a lot of Obama’s aides are rich men.

Every single twelve are on the campaign now because this is a classic thing that the Barack Obama campaign would do. Because you go to places where you’re not trying to win. We’re just trying to lose as little as possible. By doing that you also get credit and good press for doing that. We saw him do this interview with a local station in Philadelphia with a local Bay Power House stinking. They’re in Philadelphia. It is sad that the local press is doing local interviews. This helps explain the thinking behind this.

By Baghel

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