President Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Syria

President Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Syria

I took over and let us remember that after the March Euro October seven twenty-two thousand three and much of the world responded with defeat or run because the proxy chose to launch a molly from war against Israel. Today is a stark birthday, today there are crowns around the spot because the main regional proxy Hezbollah is also on his back, I fully twelve days ago I spoke from the Rose Garden about the ceasefire in Lebanon, a deal that was only possible because Hezbollah has been badly humiliated, meanwhile Hamas has also been badly humiliated. All of Iran’s military capabilities and weekend grants tried several times to attack Israel, the United States and the creation of a coalition of countries to help defend Israel to defeat those attacks all this has made it possible for Iran and Hezbollah to continue to support as impossible as possible.

I should say for them to support the Assad regime also Russia’s porch groin shots failed. Because Ukraine by the US allies put a walrus to invade Russia’s horse conflict, causing heavy losses to Russian forces. They are unable to protect the main ally in the fresh Middle East. The result of my call is that this is the first time, when he is Russian, neither the RAN nor Hezbollah can defend the support regime in Syria. This is a direct result of the blows in Ukraine, Israel has given itself to the French, who were blown away by the port of the United States. My praise in our last four years is definitely to make it clear that this is the main policy towards torture, first we have made clear from the store. The sanctions on Iran I saw will remain in place until you seriously engage in the political process.

The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2015 as the civil war declined so we carried out a comprehensive program of sanctions program team and all those responsible for atrocities against the Syrian people, secondly maintained our military presence and our counter ISIS counter local partners as well as their partners on the ground never see the vast area Tolkien ISIS as our leaders ensure that ISIS can never establish a haven area, thirdly we supported Israel, we must take action against the radio network. Syria Venus actors aligned with deadly transport for the insurgents.

When necessary or prepared for the use of military force, a dense network to protect American forces. Our vision is to change the balance of power in the Middle East, this combination of support for our partners, diplomacy of sanctions and targeted military force was necessary. Now we see new opportunities opening up for the Syrian people and the entire region, looking ahead the United States will do the following, first of all support Syria’s neighbors including Jordan Lebanon a rack and Israel, only the thread should pick up from Syria. During this period there will be long discussions with the leaders of the region in the coming days, the wall of our people is this morning. I will also send senior officials from my administration to the region, as well as we will help provide stability to Syria.

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