Titan submersible disaster investigation begins

No details about the Titans submersible tragedy that resulted in the deaths of five people, Coast Guard hearing reveals new allegations about Kraft’s final message and safety concerns before Titanic’s doomed voyage began, Our transportation correspondent Giovanni Test is in Washington, forced to go to jail and more these are all new serious allegations of ignored warnings and this morning when you mention the final messages from Titan, the big question is did the passengers on board know where they came from .This morning investigators are sharing this new photo of Titans submersible, tail cone sticking up in the sand on the bottom of the Atlantic, about three hundred yards from the wreck of Titanic, did you feel rushed in to the operation

The pressure a hundred percent, Coast Guard hearings are now revealing new details about the doomed vessel, which sank last summer in the Atlantic with the loss of all five people aboard from the devastating Lee explosion The death had happened and triggered a search and recovery mission that attracted investigators from all over the world trying to figure out what went wrong, we are learning that the crew was in contact with them

-Support ship The Polar Prince, a text message, one of the last messages to surface from two miles down, everything is fine here, half an hour later it dropped down to wait, which was possibly indicating distress on the ship, dropping weights may have been a last ditch effort to bring Titan back to the surface, former employees testifying about cancer.

Arns before that tragic dive, one of them Ocean Gate former engineering director Totli Nissen, who says he was kept in the dark and basically did not know his mission was to reach Titanic and why you left the company Fired When you are fired June 2019 he will not be allowed to go to Titanic, hearings revealed more than a hundred equipment problems over the past several years, listen to him say Titan It was also struck by lightning and left outside in 2018 and in the Canadian cold for seven months it was never pressure tested to the highest industry standards and that’s partly telling too.

Four weeks ago after the disastrous mission on a night of high seas and fog Nissen said he clashed with Ocean Gate CEO who died in the explosion Stockton Rush Nissen said Rush was often concerned about cost and schedule because my relationship started to sour because everything was built he wanted me to be the pilot who drives the am Titanic mission.

Tell them on I get in the YouTube video Rush described himself as an isolated individual and broke some rules to make it to Iraq I think Rakim has logic and good engineering which means carbon fiber is a titanium we don’t do that whereas I did  And the hearing will go on for the next two weeks, possibly even longer, the whole goal here Robin is to make sure that so that something like this never happens again, but what are the other goals here with these hearings, so can they lead to criminal referrals.

By Baghel

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