US activist killed in the West Bank

US activist killed in the West Bank

the death of an american activists in the west bank davis’s marcus more has the latest marcus morris why would a good morning we are in nablus at the hospital where doctors tried to save auction or ag the twenty six year old was participating an anti settlement demonstrations on friday when she and an eighteen year old man i was shot she suffered a serious head wound and the idea of says it’s soldiers had come under attack .

At least one alleged instigator throwing rocks at the soldiers israeli forces responded by firing live rounds at the crown know i spoke to a witness over the phone who said ag was shot some time after things a calm down and that she was in a separate area from where the clashes occurred he said that the israeli soldiers fired on ag from the roof of a building.

Now us officials offer their condolences and called for an investigation while turkey’s president has condemned the israeli cracked down as quote barbaric palestinian health officials say forty people have been killed and one hundred and fifty injured since israeli forces began with a Son.

By Baghel

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